Tuesday 23 September 2014

Finding Relief for Rosacea

The itchy skin can be unbearable during a rosacea flare up. The red domed pimples can become infected and hurt. Then, there’s the possibility of the eyelids becoming so infected that people cannot open their eyes. Rosacea is a serious skin condition that thousands of people live with every day. Even with the seriousness and long history of the disease, doctors have yet to discover a cure. They have, however, found ways to manage the symptoms of the disease, which makes living with rosacea more tolerable.

Managing Flare Ups
Since there is no cure for rosacea, the only way to measure treatment is to measure the symptoms, better known as flare ups. There are several flare up causes that can happen in everyday life, which makes it hard for people to determine when and where a flare up will occur.

Here are a few causes of rosacea flare ups:

● Eating spicy food
● Drinking alcohol
● Being in the sun for too long
● Drinking hot beverages
● Undergoing extreme temperature changes
● Using a sauna

It means on a summer day a person with rosacea is at high risk for a flare up. It happens again in the winter when the temperature drops and they sit next to a heater. These symptoms can be painful for people experiencing an outbreak of hives, redness, or worse.  

Rosacea Skin Cream
Pay attention when searching for a rosacea skin cream. The face is just one area on the body where a flare up can occur, so people need a cream that helps the entire body. That means dealing with the rash on the forearm, pimple on the nose, or redness around the eyes. It takes a versatile cream. That’s why it takes versatile ingredients.

A rosacea skin care cream is going to have a mixture of both natural and chemical ingredients. Look for the one that leans towards the natural products like lemon, lavender, rose oil, vitamin E, and eucalyptus leaves.

One of the biggest problems people with rosacea have to deal with is itchy, irritable skin. Lavender, rose oil, and lemon soothe the skin, as does the eucalyptus leaves. Vitamin E helps repair the damage to the skin caused by this irritation. Natural ingredients, when paired together, can treat safely and sometimes faster than the chemical alternatives.

Comparing Ingredients
To find the best rosacea cream, just follow the ingredients. Doing research into what is in a cream and why it is in a cream will pay off in the end, as you will have a better product. Don’t just Wikipedia the ingredients, however. Go on message boards and see what other people living with rosacea have said about the creams they use. Perhaps, they have some home remedies to try in conjunction with a cream. Compare and get relief today.

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