Tuesday 2 December 2014

When the Complexion is Abnormally Flushed, Don’t Neglect it

Wondering why those red blotches on your face won’t go away? Redness of the face can be a tricky thing to figure out and control. Your redness could be caused by any number of factors. Find the root cause and then you can start thinking about care.

Red Blotches on Face

Red blotches on face can be really embarrassing for both men and women. It’s not a vanity issue. People just want to look nice and it’s awkward when something out of their control - like their face turning red, happens.

These red blotches may be the sign of a more serious condition. Ask a doctor’s advice before proceeding. But it should be safe to at least use a cover up makeup when your complexion does get flushed.

Redness on Face from Acne

Sometimes it is that dreaded nemesis acne that causes a person’s face to turn red. Those red domed bumps can be a real problem and they don’t just last in the teenage years. Redness on the face from acne is quite common. Using something like eucalyptus oil or avocado oil may cool down the temperature and help with the acne, too. Just be careful, because you don’t want to ruin your complexion.

Keep a Journal

Journaling about why your face is turning red can be a really helpful way to answer the question. Since there are so many factors at play it’s important to rule out. For instance, these things can cause red blotches on the face:

● too much sun
● stress
● alcohol consumption
● cheap cosmetics
● extreme temperature changes

By having a journal people have something to show themselves and their doctors about their skin condition. Did your face turn red when it was cold outside? Or did you stay at the beach too long? You may just have to take special precaution all your life to handle the redness issue.

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